[Representative Festival of South Korea] Racheon-ri Road Walking Contest(10) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제

[경남=NSP통신] 김연화 기자 = It has been one week since the opening ceremony of the Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival.

Korea’s only night festival the “2012 Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival” is crowded with so many people.

Especially at the Jinju Castle, a lot of visitors came here to see the Jinju victory procession of Jinju Battle.

Also, visitors can experience “walking on a stripe” and many kinds of activities.

On the weekend of the 6th and the 7th, the Jinju Racheon-ri Road Walking Contest was begun.

Jinju Racheon-ri Walking Contest. (Jinju City)

[Interview: Mr. Kang Dae Won/ Director of Jinju Walking Contest]
[Q. More information about the Jinju Racheon-ri Road.]
[A. This is the road that surrounds Jinyangho and Namgang where the Namgang Yudeung Festival and Gaecheon Art Festival are held so that we can see and enjoy the view of the festivals in the most convenient way.]

We could see Jinju Castle’s wonderful night views and Jinyangho’s beautiful landscapes in 3 courses of 10km, 33km, and 55km for about 3 hours.

[Interview: Night Flight/ Nakildo Café Member]
[Q. Reason of joining the contest]
[A. I think this is a good chance to walk on this 55km road and show respect and understanding to the people who spent their lives caring for this place. I heard that this is one of 3 representative walking contests of our country so I always wanted to join.]

As I expected, the night of Namgang Yudeung Festival is so wonderful, attractive and splendid with 1200 lanterns floating on the Namgang river.

It will be a very nice memory when visitors take the cruise with their family or their love ones and enjoy the fantastic view of lantern lights on the river.

Musical “Yudeung” with the theme of Jinju victory against the Japanese Invasion is also a very touching event for all visitors when coming here.

Namgang Yudeung Festival is the best night festival of our country.

Together with the Jinju Battle, one of 50 tourist attractions of South Korea appointed by CNN, America’s very popular broadcasting channels, the Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival is more and more well-known as South Korea’s Representative Festival held in October.

김연화 NSP통신 기자, yeonhwa0802@nspna.com
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