[Representative Festival of South Korea] 62th Gaecheon art festival(15) - 한국대표 진주남강유등축제

[경남=NSP통신] 김연화 기자 = 62th Gaecheon art festival, the first local cultural and art festival, was over on October 10th.

The grand finale of the festival was the 17th Jinju citizen’s day event called ‘Commemoration of the victory of the Jinju battle’

Now, Let’s go to the last night of Gaecheon festival.

The street parade was started with 1,200 participants including mayer (Jinju City)

Since the first festival held in 1949, this year has been the 62th anniversary. On October 3rd, a spectacular opening ceremony marked the beginning of festival before started on it’s big run of 7days.

A lot of artists in Kyung-Nam district struggled for superiority in many competitions including Sijo(a traditional Korean poem), Pansori(a dramatic song), handwriting and photographic.

The Gaecheon art festival reached a peak with ‘street parade which from Namgang river to Jinju downtown’, ‘street performance on the center of downtown’ and ‘commemoration of the victory of the Jinju battle’

From 6pm, the atmosphere getting exited with dance performance of b-boy, dance drama and percussion performance.

A spectacular opening ceremony marked the beginning of festival before started on it’s big run of 7days. (Jinju City)

At the same time, the street parade was started with 1,200 participants including mayer of Jin-ju Lee chang-hee, congressman Kim jae-kyung and Park dae-chul, city councilman Yu Kye-hyun and 37 teams of Korean musical band.

The street parade lasted to Jin-ju bridge Kwang-mi crossroads. With 1.9km long distance journey, it represented honorable history of jinju.

Following the street parade, there was ‘Commemoration of the victory of the Jinju battle’ festival in kwang-mi crossroads.

This year, in particular, there were mass performance named Jinju style, situation play for sending the news of victory in jinju battle and beating the drum before torch-light exchange event.

‘Commemoration of the victory of the Ji ju battle’ event was started with situation play which send the news of victory to citizen and government. Following event was the torch-light exchange which have special guests the mayer of Jin-ju Lee chang-hee, congressman Kim jae-kyung and Park dae-chul, city councilman Yu Kye-hyun.

The festival reached to the climax along with lighting signal fire and 7times of drumming by the mayer of Jinju Lee chang-hee.

The grand finale of 62th Gaecheon art festival was ‘Commemoration of the victory of the Jin ju battle’ event.

‘Commemoration of the victory of the Jin ju battle’ event was motivated by 420th anniversary of im-jin war. It honored the spirit of jin-ju sweeping victory, the one of three great victories against Japan. moreover it aimed to foster cultural tourism theme.

The 62th Gaecheon art festival which consist of 58events in 9fields was concluded with all night festival.

Art was used to consider as flower in a palace garden but 62th Gaecheon art festival boosted it as everlasting, liberal and popular things.

We will look forward to the growth of Gaecheon art festival with next Namgang Yudeung Festival.

김연화 NSP통신 기자, yeonhwa0802@nspna.com
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