(right) Kim Pil-ho, the president of The Whole Quick Service Transportation Business Association and (left)Lee Jang-seop

[서울=NSP통신] 권혜경 기자 = Kim Pil-ho, the president of The Whole Quick Service Transportation Business Association ( below Quick Service Association ) said domestic Quick-service market size is about 4 trillion won. This is bigger than domestic courier market size-3.5 trillion won in 2011.

Today NSP have interviewed Kim Pil-ho, the president of Quick Service Association and Lee Jang-seop, the vice president and listened about the status of domestic Quick-service freight market. This will be introduced though three articles.

◆ The ground for the claim that domestic quick service market size is 4 trillion won!

Kim Pil-ho, the president of The Whole Quick Service Transportation Business Association is explaining about Domestic Qu

Kim Pil-ho, the president : On 15th January 2011, Nationwide Quick-service operators gathered and established Quick-Service Association. The first work we launched is to determine the number of domestic Quick-service companies.

By checking up all the ad phone numbers and internet ad through domestic on-line portal sites, we found that the number of domestic companies totaled to more than 11,600.

It is a general practice for one quick-service company to advertise as if it is many other companies. so it can't be said the determined number of companies in ad is exact.

In the on-line and Phone ad, about 50 % of 11.600 may be overlapped, and if adding not-advertised companies, the number of the companies can be estimated about 5,000~8,000.

Seeing that one quick service company hires on average more than 20 quick-service riders, the number of cosmetic quick-service riders can be estimated 100~160 thousand people. If it includes quick-service clerical workers, it will reach about 200 thousand. This is common estimates at quick-service industry.

According to the study of Japanese Quick-Service System for improving the application of workers' compensation by Logistics Manager Association, requested by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, the average monthly revenue of cosmetic quick-service riders is 2.929 million won.

Therefore, according to 100~160 thousand workers x 2,929,000 won x 12 months, domestic quick service market size is estimated 3.5148 trillion~5.6236 trillion. Because the average of this is about 4.5 trillion, domestic quick service market size generally is calculated about 4 trillion.

◆What is another calculation for proving that domestic quick service market size is about 4 trillion !

Lee Jang-seop, the vice president of Quick Service Association is explaining about Domestic Quick-service market size.

Lee Jang-seop, the vice president: There is another calculating proof that domestic quick service size is about 4 trillion.

It is to count the number of orders dealt by Smartphone terminals that quick service riders collect their orders. Average 13 orders a day.

And quick service average fee is 10 thousand won, 100 thousand riders deal with 1.3 million orders, total service fee is 13 billion won every day.

One month is 30 days and month sales is 13 billion won x 30 days=390 billion and 390 billion x 12 month=4.68 trillion a year.

1.3 million x 10 thousand (average quick service fee) x 30 days x 12 months = 4.68 trillion won per year. From this we can estimate domestic quick service market size.

According to the official statistics data regarding domestic quick service market size, the number of national quick service companies in 2009 is 944, total employees are 12,845 people, 369.3 billion won in sales and 14 employees are in one company. Although they said there was decrease compared to 2008, this result is considered inaccurate survey conducted under lack of full-understanding the actual conditions of domestic quick service industry. To be continued. NSP NEWS AGENCY-NSP통신

권혜경 NSP통신 기자, watch12@nspna.com
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