[NSPTV] Virtual studio requiring small space broadens broadcasting.
Representing wide space from small one, virtual studio now enjoys popularity in this on-line era.

(부산=NSP통신 허아영 기자) = (NSP글로벌리틀뉴스 정동일 기자) = A virtual studio which has been monopolized by public TV is now developed to make it possible to produce in a small space and enjoys extensive broadcasting fields.

Until now, the virtual studio has had its limit in expanding space when it comes to produce.

However, the virtual studio attracts attention from everywhere as it can express a big space from a small space.

In this online era, the virtual studio is in the limelight as a new kind of studio.

The Virtual Studio can show 3-dimensional video screen on 2-dimensional computer screen.

By using Chromakey technology, in front of Chroma board, people can host a broadcasting program from an empty setting.

This technology is being used in variety fields like U.S presidential election result, sports transmission, or news broadcastings.

This also enables broadcasters to appeal to viewers’ taste as they can make images freely and easily by combining a virtual set and a real set.

With its practical features like being able to be used in a small space with small cost, many on-line broadcasters are turning their interest in it.

How much more virtual studio can be developed?

Now more and more people read and watch on-line news instead of public broadcasting news with their smart phones.

In this situation, people will keep their eyes one what effects will virtual studio bring on on-line news broadcasters and what way it can be more developed.

[영상편집] 오혜원 PD dotoli5@nspna.com
[촬 영] 최상훈 PD csh0114@gmail.com

nsplove@nspna.com, 허아영 기자(NSP통신)
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