[NSPTV] UN Memorial Cemetery, Freedom and recollection of peace, value over tourist attraction

(부산=NSP통신 허아영 기자) = (NSP글로벌리틀뉴스 황인혁) = What occurs to you when you think of Busan?

Maybe, the blue sea and white sand beach come to you.

Though Haeundae with its beautiful beach represents Busan, this is not all what Busan has for sightseers.

Today, I would like to introduce to you UN Memorial Cemetery in Busan which is a resting place for citizens of Busan and tourist attraction.
You can feel the ache of war and peace here.

This place enshrines the remains and bodies of soldiers who participated in the Korean War and lost their precious lives under the auspice of the UN

At the entrance is a huge monument. And you can see numerous tombs of UN soldiers whose spirits are here to protect Korea.

They willingly came to this strange country and lost their valuable lives to defend freedom in Korea.
This park was constructed to commemorate their noble spirit of sacrifice.

This place attracts many tourists, owing to its symbolic meaning.

Located in Daeyeon-dong, Nam-gu Busan, this memorial park is the only one cemetery for UN soldiers.
11000(eleven thousand) among 40896 (forty thousand and eight hundred ninety six) soldiers from twenty one countries were buried here after the war.

Now twenty three hundred soldiers from eleven countries including thirty six Korean soldiers are buried here.
From 1974, this park is managed by the UN Memorial Cemetery International Management Committee which is consisted of 11 member countries.

The Peace Park constructed nearby in 2005 has Peace Square, ecopond, lawn square, landscape architecture, and waterscape facilities.
And its thirty thousand trees such as camellia and pine tree give Busan citizens comfort.
Now with all these it is a beloved resting place for Busanians.

You can also enjoy sculpture park, cultural center, and Busan museum which are adjacent.

We forgot the ruthlessness and destructibility of war long ago.

However, this park reminds us of the value of freedom and peace which we attained by overcoming such a war through the sacrifice of UN soldiers.

I'm Hwang-in hyuk from NSP global little news at the UN Memorial Cemetery in Busan.

[영상편집] 오혜원 PD dotoli5@nspna.com
[촬 영] 최상훈 PD csh0114@gmail.com

nsplove@nspna.com, 허아영 기자(NSP통신)
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