[NSPTV] One of the best architecture in the world architectural history, Busan Cinema Center

(부산=NSP통신 허아영 기자) = (NSP 글로벌리틀뉴스 소동관) = When you think of visiting Busan for your vacation, you first think cool time on the beach, don’t miss out on an architectural beauty that you can find in the center of Busan.

The Busan Cinema Centre, a place where many famous Korean actors and actresses visit every year, is an architectural and technological pride for Korea.

Today, we will look around its beautiful LED lighting and way to use computer engineering.

This Center is a monumental art work, with an excellent formativeness and deconstructive architectural aesthetics. With these excellences, this can be one of the best architecture in the world architectural history.

It has the world biggest roof as it is two and half times bigger than a soccer stadium. The roof consists of the Big-Roof and Small-Roof. Forty two thousand and six hundred pairs of LED lamps installed under the roof make beautiful scenery combined with Su-Young River and Na-ru Park.

This center is made up with three buildings, Cinema-town, Beef-hill, and Double-cone.

Cinema-town, the main building, has three cinemas in which you can enjoy various genres of movies with artistic value and popularity and Ha-nul Theater which boasts its number-one stage performance.

As it is the venue for the opening and closing ceremony of Busan International Film Festival, this place is the rising star of the world movie circles. Like New York Central Park Great Lawn and the Berona Arena Amphitheater in Italy, its outdoor theater with 4000seats is an open stage for audiences where people can enjoy various performances such as world-class orchestra performances, operas, musicals, plays, concerts, and even concerts of Korean traditional music, not to mention screening of high-level films.

This place is the symbol of development in not only technology but also international cooperation. Germany, the US, and the UK participated in designing.

The beautiful LED illumination and complex computer engineering make this place more fantastic.

Now you know this place is the must-visit place, when you visit Busan.

NSP Global Little News, DongGwan SO.

nsplove@nspna.com, 허아영 기자(NSP통신)
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