(부산=NSP통신 안정은 기자) = Now, I'm standing on Yonghodong sky walk where we can see Busan's beautiful tourist attraction, Oryukdo.
It has known bu King of the see, Jangbogo ‘s commerce place.
today I'll introduce Busan's typical island, Oryukdo.
Oryukdo is the rock islands which stretched side by side from namgu Yonghodong to Busan.
It divided by 방패섬, 솔섬, 수리섬, 송곳섬, 굴섬, 등대섬 total six islands.
It called by Oryukdo because it come in sight different number depending on position.
Oryukdo shows beautiful naturak view mingle with eccentric and various sea topograpy and deep blue sea.
From old times, Korea's ancestors were bequeathed many songs and poems.
Ancestors' literary gem also broadcast Oryukdo to best tourist attraction in the country.
Lately, the sky walk bulit and the number of tourists are increasing day by day.
When you visit Busan, how about look around the harmony of sea and rock island, Oryukdo.
NSP global littlee news Jin han na.
[촬영] 한창기 기자 ivy9243@nspna.com
[편집] 오혜원 PD dotoli5@nspna.com
[취재] 글로벌리틀뉴스팀 진한나 기자
annje37@nspna.com, 안정은 기자(NSP통신)
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