[경남=NSP통신] 도남선 기자 = October begins with the 2013 Jimju Namgang Yudeung Festival! The 63rd Gaecheon Art Festival and the 7th Drama Festival are also not to be overlooked and are waiting for your visits.
Well, this year's festival was shortened to 11 days due to the typhoon Danas. However, over 2.7 million spectators still showed up leaving no doubt that this is the one of the biggest events in the country.
This is none the other 2013 Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival and NSP News has it all.
The 2013 Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival has drawn attention from the beginning.
The Seoul city has imitated the so called"Lantern Festival"in November and this has emerged as a national issue.
There were talks of reflexive benefits but with the true intent and nature of the festival, Jinju has overcome their counterpart.
The 63rd Gaecheon Art Festival was sponsored by the govenrnent for the first time this year. Speaking of first time in years, the prime minister, Jeong Heung-won, has made his appeaeance for the first in the festival in 17 years to raise the bar to another level.
The Gaecheon Art Festival has transformed the Battle of Jinju into an art form and sealed itself as one of the best art festivals in Korea by holding 64 successful performances this year.
Today, we cannot forget the 421st anniversary of our predecessors. Jinju Fortress is reborn and sharing the time of glory and victory that was once present in the battle 500 years ago.
The 1.2km of Dulle path of Jinju Fortress is well known as the Lover's Lane, The Path of Meditation, or the Road of Royalty. And two days of enthusiastic response to the musical, Chokseoksanseong Aria was over sooner than how I could repeat the name again.
The Gaecheon Art Festival and the Jinju Citizen's Day both came in unison to celbrate the victory of the Battle of Jinju by storytelling.
They both brightened the future of yudeung festival commemorating the historical background and patriotism of the people of Jinju.
Don't forget the 121st Jinju National Bullfighting Contest, the Jinju Silk Fair, and the Korean Drama Festival. All of them stepped up to play key roles in the next Hallyu wave.
However, the question still remains regarding how the festivities add more distinctive characteristics from now on.
A question is truly there.
There are definite concerns. But the yudeung festival has estimated to gross over 50 billion won so far.
In other good news, the Jinju Yudeung festival is making a name for itself in the world. With Korean Canadian's 50th anniversary of diplomatic relationship, over a 150 official and unofficial invitees attended the"special exhibit hall"in the yudeung festival's international debut.
In another bright news, the Jinju Yudeung Festival is in signatures away from branching out to Chipala, Mexico. Away from Mexico, Washington DC is also eyeing on hosting the event of its own.
Carrying on the traditions and beauty of Korea, the Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival floats to reach out to the world.
In all hopes of each region coming up with their own unique festivity, this was Donovan Yoon from NSP News.
NSPTV, 한국대표축제, 2013 진주남강유등축제, Korea Festival, Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival
도남선 NSP통신 기자, aegookja@nspna.com
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