[NSPTV] 18th Jinju Citizen's Day(11)

[서울=NSP통신] 도남선 기자 = Amidst the peak of the 2013 Jinju Namgang Yuedeung Festival, October 10th is the anniversary of the Battle of Jinju victory and the birth of the 18th Jinju Citizen's Day. NSP invites you to the day where you are the star of the festival.

To celebrate the establishment of Jinju Urban City and the anniversary of the Battle of Jinju, the Jinju Citizen's Day was launched in 1995. From the 6th event in 2001, it has been a hot spot for audience participation and traditional arts festival.

In addition, Jinju's outstanding citizen award has been named annually.

I'm here currently at the 2013 Namgang Yudeung Festival. Behind me is"The Past and Present Day of Jinju Photo Exhibit". It definitely seems more popular due to the ongoing Jinju citizen's Day.

(by Jinju City)

The exhibit displays the traces of traditional breadbasket and artistic hometown of Jinju.

Recently, the city of Jinju was awarded a special prize in the urban evaluation from the Land and Transportation Ministry of Korea.

The Namgang open-air theater swarmed with spectators in the afternoon.

Citizens gathered and participated in the pre-event activities enjoying the commemoration. The 18th Citizen's Day ceremony closed off with a joint performances from Jimju's 31 counties, sub-counties, and districts.
This year's Citizen's day commemorates the patriotic spirits from 412 years ago.

It truly was a day where the people of Jinju came together as one and inspired one another.

From the Jinju Citizen's Day, this was Donovan Yoon from NSP News.

진주남강유등축제, 한국대표축제, Jinju namgang yudeung festival, korea festival, 진주시민의날

도남선 NSP통신 기자, aegookja@nspna.com
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