(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = Samsung Electronics’ labor and management will resume meeting for the first time in 18 days. According to industry sources, Samsung Electronics’ labor and management will hold three-on-three talks between negotiators this afternoon.

The day before, Samsung Electronics management sent an official letter to the National Samsung Electronics Labor Union(NSU), saying, “We hope that the strike situation will be resolved quickly and propose the resumption of unconditional dialogue.”

This comes after the NSU sent a letter to Samsung Electronics on the 16th to resume talks. “If you do not respond to wage negotiations by the 19th, it is inevitable that production will be disrupted even more than it is now,” the letter said.

If an agreement is not reached with management, the NSU plans to continue the general strike, including holding a rally at the Giheung plant on the 22nd. It is also understood that it is considering a plan for group action near the residence of Samsung Electronics’ Chairman Lee Jae-yong.

The NSU is demanding a 3.5% increase in the basic salary for members, improvement of the overall performance incentive(OPI) system, guarantee of one day of leave for the union’s founding, and compensation for economic losses resulting from the strike.

However, it has been confirmed that there is no actual production loss due to the number of strikers dwindling from thousands to recently around 100, and the company’s use of replacement labor and automation of the semiconductor process.

By Soon-ki Lee(s8789@nspna.com) and Jeonghwa Choi(choijh@nspna.com)

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