(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = The National Samsung Electronics Workers’ Union(NSU), the largest at Samsung Electronics, went on a general strike on the 8th.

The NSU held a general strike resolution rally in front of the main gate of H1 of Samsung Electronics’ Hwaseong Plant in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province from 11 a.m. The NSU estimated that 6,540 people participated in the rally. Of these, the NSU claims that 5,211 workers are in facilities, manufacturing, and development positions related to the semiconductor process.

The NSU side said, “A lot more people participated in the general strike than we expected,” and “In particular, more than 5,000 people came from the facilities, manufacturing, and development(process) divisions, so we will definitely achieve the production disruption.”

However, it is understood that there were no production disruptions due to the strike. “Since the general strike was announced in advance, Samsung Electronics adjusted production schedules and staffing in advance to ensure that production was not disrupted,"said a business insider familiar with Samsung’s internal situation."Even if a second strike occurs, the impact on production will not be significant because Samsung has taken countermeasures in advance.”

The NSU has been negotiating with the company since January of this year, and went on strike on the 7th of last month. According to the NSU, as of this morning, the number of the NSU members was 36,570. This is about 24% of the total number of Samsung Electronics employees(125,000).

By Soon-ki Lee(s8789@nspna.com) and Jeonghwa Choi(choijh@nspna.com)

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