(Seoul=NSP NEWS AGENCY) = SK Telecom, SK Broadband, and Netflix announced that they have signed a strategic partnership to enhance customer benefits.

With this partnership, both parties agreed to end all previous legal disputes and work together as future-oriented partners.

Meanwhile, SK Broadband and Netflix have been engaged in a lawsuit over network usage fees. The industry predicted, “Netflix was actually ordered to pay network usage fees in the first trial, so the company may have been concerned that the outcome of the future ruling could become a reference case overseas.”

It also analyzed, “The two sides reached an agreement in that SK Broadband had difficulty securing users because it failed to service Netflix’s global popular IP.”

SKT and SKB plan to provide an environment where customers can enjoy Netflix with a convenient viewing experience and payment method on smartphones, IPTV(B tv), etc., and prepare various products, including bundle plans.

They also plan to release products related to Netflix’s recently launched advertising plan so that more customers can experience Netflix.

They will also promote technical cooperation. With this partnership, SKT and SKB plan to explore ways with Netflix to create a consumer-friendly entertainment experience using AI technologies such as interactive UX and customized personalization guides that have been accumulated over the past several years.

By Soon-ki Lee(s8789@nspna.com) and Bok-hyun Lee(bhlee2016@nspna.com)

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