(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = SK, an investment company, is accelerating its leap toward CDMO, a global leading cell and gene therapy.

Through SK Pharmteco, an integrated CDMO corporation, SK invested $350 million(about 420 billion won) in CBM(The Center for Breakthrough Medicines), U.S. Cell Gene Therapy(CGT) CDMO(Contract Development & Manufacturing Organization), and became the second largest shareholder.

SK succeeded in entering the U.S. cell and gene therapy business, which is considered the world’s largest market, about nine months after it acquired CDMO Yposkesi, a French cell and gene therapy, in March last year.

Through this CBM investment, SK has come closer to its goal as a global leading CDMO that produces both synthetic biologics and innovative biologics in major pharmaceutical markets around the world, including the US, Europe, and Asia.

Thanks to global growth, CBM will build the world’s largest cell and gene therapy production facility with 700,000 square feet(about 20,000 pyeong) by 2025, and plans to hire 2,000 additional related professionals over the next four years.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist s8789@nspna.com
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