(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = SK Telecom is going to launch ‘Dial Link’ service that allows customers to access their desired mobile website simply by entering a number on a smartphone keypad.

Dial Link is a service that connects directly to a designated web environment by simply entering the number and an asterisk(*) designated by the service provider on the keypad and pressing the call button. It is characterized by being able to access the website easily and conveniently with only the call button without installing an app or searching the Internet.

In particular, local governments and public institutions can use it as a new channel to more easily inform the relative information vulnerable class of public announcements and systems.

In commemoration of the launch of Dial Link, SKT first introduced the service to Sejong City and 11 Street.

Dial Link service is available on Android phones regardless of carriers, and iOS users will receive a web link via text message, and only SKT customers will be able to use it.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist s8789@nspna.com
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