(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = SK hynix’s labor and management held a central labor-management conference at the head office in Icheon today(10th) and decided on a plan for the improvement of PS(Profit Sharing) calculation standard, and the payment of employee stocks equivalent to 200% of the basic salary, which was agreed on the 4th.

First, the company decided to change PS payment standard from EVA(Economic Value Added) to ‘Operating Profit’.

The labor and management agreed to change PS standard to operating profit, which is a transparent financial indicator, and to use 10% of operating profit as PS financial resources.

The company discloses PS payment estimates at the beginning of the year and quarterly, so that members can predict how much they will receive early next year.

Second, for the method of paying employee stock ownership, members were asked to choose between purchasing stocks equivalent to 200% of the basic salary for free of charge and at a 30% discount.

The company plans to provide loans to relieve the financial burden of members who purchase stocks at a discounted price.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist s8789@nspna.com
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