(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Korean Air recorded sales of 1.5508 trillion won and operating profit of 7.6 billion won in the third quarter of 2020, and continued operating profit surplus following the second quarter despite the difficulties caused by Corona 19.

Sales declined 53% year-on-year due to the continued decline in passenger demand caused by Corona 19, but recorded an operating surplus based on increased freighter utilization and maximized freight transport, such as the use of passenger planes. However, the decline was high at 94%.

Sales of its cargo business in the third quarter(1,163 trillion KRW) exceeded 1 trillion KRW following the second quarter.

In the passenger business, demand has continued to be sluggish due to Corona 19, but transportation performance improved slightly compared to the second quarter due to the gradual restart of flights centered on mid- to long-distance routes such as the Americas and Southeast Asia.

In 4Q, passenger demand is expected to continue to decline due to Corona 19, but cargo demand is expected to increase as the cargo business enters the peak season.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist s8789@nspna.com
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