(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = Nano-x, a next-generation medical equipment technology company, preemptively invested by SK Telecom, was successfully listed on Nasdaq on the 21st of local time.

SK Telecom secured a total of 2,607,466 shares of Nano-x by strategically investing a total of $23 million(about 27.3 billion won) twice in June 2019 and June 2020.

SK Telecom is the second-largest shareholder following Nano-x’s special relationships(founder and top management) and is actively participating in management and global business development.

Nano-x, an Israeli company, is promoting the commercialization of Nanox.Arc, a medical device that has superior price and performance compared to existing X-ray equipment based on semiconductor-based digital X-ray technology. In recognition of its technological prowess, the company succeeded in listing on NASDAQ as an Emerging Growth Company.

SK Telecom said, “We will make the result of fusion of next-generation medical technology, 5G and AI together with Nano-x as a representative example of innovation in post-Corona era.”

Meanwhile, Nano-x’s stock price rose 20.56% from the listing price of $18 to the closing price of $21.7 on the 21st.

NSP News Agency soon ki Lee Journalist s8789@nspna.com
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