(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jeonghyun go Journalist = ContentWave, the joint venture of SK telecom and three major broadcasting channels such as KBS, MBC, SBS made a partnership with NBC universals to go for global content development and expanding its industry toward overseas market.

The partnership allows Wave to provide up to five contents in a year to NBCU for the next three years. Wave recommends a wide variety of dramas and movies and, NBCU will prioritize content based on reginal preferences.

NBCU gets to obtain the right to distribute these contents internationally, and viewers from all over the world get to have chances to enjoy them.

SK telecom and Wave decided on collaborating for content investment and production with NBCU.

Wave is also to invest around 60 billion korean won on original content production and reflect global trends on it considering how contents are exported through NBCU.

NSP News Agency jeonghyun go Journalist gojh89@nspna.com
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