(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = LG U plus has acquired ISO27001, an international standard information security certification, for the information security management system for base station operation management, which is a key area of ​​5G network, from DNV-GL, a global certification organization for information security management.

ISO 27001 certification is an international standard information security certification established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is one of the most prestigious certifications in the field of information security.

Certification is granted only after passing the audit according to 114 management standards in 14 areas through field visits.

It is expected that customers will secure high confidence in information protection and security response systems that have high concerns about using 5G services.

Since last year, employees in network and security have collaborated to reinforce information security regulations and guidelines, and have invested in various ways to strengthen security by conducting audits and consulting services from external experts.

NSP News Agency YEON SUN HAN Journalist hanys4017@nspna.com
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