(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = Paris Baguette, a bakery brand run by SPC Group, has completed the SPC Tianjin factory in Tianjin, China.

SPC Tianjin Factory, which is one that has relocated and expanded its existing factory in Beijing, was established to expand production facilities and improve quality as Paris Baguette's franchise business in China had been successfully established and the number of stores had been rapidly increasing.

Paris Baguette, which entered China in 2004, has been rapidly expanding its stores since it launched a franchise business in 2010.

It took nine years for the company to open China's 100th store, six years to open the 200th store again, but 1 year and 6 months to open the 300th store. SPC Group plans to further accelerate the expansion of its Chinese business through the completion of its Tianjin factory.

“China has unlimited potential for growth as its bakery market is worth 44 trillion won per year,” said Huh Young-in, chairman of SPC Group, “We will stably supply high-quality products based on the SPC Tianjin factory and make Paris Baguette a beloved brand in China as well.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist, s8789@nspna.com
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