(서울=NSP통신) soon ki Lee Journali = Last year, household debts amounted to 1534.6 trillion won, the lowest growth rate since 2014 (66.2 trillion won), but the increase trend of household debt was still faster than that of income.

According to household credit during the fourth quarter of 2018 (provisional) which Bank of Korea(BOK) published on Feb 22, 2019, it increased by 1.4% to 1534. 6 trillion won at the end of the fourth quarter of last year, compared with 1513. 9 trillion won at the end of the third quarter of last year.

However, last year's growth rate was the lowest since 2013(5.7%).

At the end of the fourth quarter of last year, household loans increased by 1.2% (17.3 trillion won) to 1444.5 trillion won, compared with 1427.2 trillion won at the end of the previous quarter, which is smaller than the previous quarter (18 trillion won).

However, it is pointed out that the growth trend of household debt is still faster than that of income.

Compared to the same period last year, the growth rate of household loans at savings banks has increased, but household loans at public financial institutions such as housing cities fund and others have decreased since a 1.6 trillion won in the second quarter of 2014.

“The fourth quarter of last year is the largest, as the housing sale volume has continued to increase since the end of 2014,” said the official of BOK, “as household loans such as rental loans have increased, the same trend will continue until the first quarter of 2019.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist, s8789@nspna.com
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