(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = Hyundai Motors signed a business agreement (MOU) with SK Networks to create a mobility lifestyle charging station for electric vehicles.

Through this business agreement, Hyundai Motors will build a mobility lifestyle charging station, which has transformed the gasoline station, a representative symbol of the internal combustion engine vehicle, into a charging space dedicated to electric vehicles, along with SK Networks.

The first mobility lifestyle charging station will be installed at a gas station directly operated by SK Networks located in Gil Dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, and a total of 10 new high-speed chargers will be installed.

Hyundai Motors plans to develop a new charging infrastructure to create a mobility lifestyle charging station.

First, Hyundai Motors will develop a 350kW ultra-high-speed charger and improve the charging efficiency by shortening the charging time of the electric car.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV YEON SUN HAN Journalist, hanys4017@nspna.com
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