(Seoul=NSP News Agency) soon ki Lee Journalist = Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., and Samsung Medison Co,. Ltd(Samsung below) developed (CrystalLive), a next generation ultrasonic image processing engine on June 19, 2018.

CrystalLive is what ultrasonic image processing technology, a strongpoint of Samsung medical devices and 3D technology know-how which expresses the organs and fetus in the body in three dimensions are integrated.

Through this, ‘AmbientLight’, which shows things with 3-D effect by adding a shadow effect to ultrasonic images, and ‘ToneMapping’ technology, which expresses the exposure of light naturally, are applied, so the figure of a fetus can be seen more clearly and vividly.

It is expected that prenatal mothers can feel intimacy like meeting a baby who will be born in advance as they can see the vivid image of a fetus, and that medical staffs can enhance the value of clinical use of ultrasonic by raising the inspection accuracy on the high-risk disease like the congenital heart disease of a fetus.

Samsung starts to sell the product that CrystalLive Engine are newly mounted on WS80A, a premium ultrasonic diagnostic equipment for obstetrics and gynecology, from on June 19 in Korea · Europe · America, and is going to show it in other regions according to the schedule of licensing.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV soon ki Lee Journalist, s8789@nspna.com
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