(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = NCsoft's mobile MMORPG (Multi-access role playing game) Lineage M updated the Party dungeon orim on December 12.

Party dungeons orim can be played at a scheduled time every day over 70 levels. A total of 4 players can enter as a party, and a matching system that automatically organizes the parties when individual player enter is supported.

The party dungeon orim consists of three types: ▲ followers ▲ experiment ▲ traps. Each dungeon has a goal to ▲survive monster attacks▲to unlock secrets of the ▲to survive the traps. The user can choose one of three difficulty levels (normal / difficulty / hell).

NSP News Agency/NSP TV YEON SUN HAN Journalist, hanys4017@nspna.com
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