(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = LG electronics will preempt autonomous vehicle parts market with Qualcomm.

LG electronics and Qualcomm hosted agreement ceremony on ‘next generation connected car solution joint development’ on 19th at Magok LG Science park in Seoul.

Both company established joint research center at LG Seocho R&D center in YangJae, Seoul and began operation that will develop next generation connected car solutions and future technologies such as mobile based V2X(Vehicle to Everything, communication from vehicles to every entity)

In addition, LG electronics and Qualcommwill be establishing another research lab, with a floor area of 1,320 square meters in Magok Industrial Complex by the end of next year.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV YEON SUN HAN Journalist, hanys4017@nspna.com
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