(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = FlexWash whichi is a three-door all-in-one washer of Samsung Electronics won ‘Best of Best’ prize in 2017 Ergonomic Design Award held by The Ergonomic Society of Korea.

The Ergonomic Society of Korea estimates that FlexWash is a goods which maximized usability based on systematic and scientific ergonomic analysis, so selected it award-winner.

FlexWash is a three-door all-in-one washer that has two pasts which are 3.5 kg automatic washer ‘CompactWash’ at upper part and high capacity drum washer ‘Addwash’ at lower part.

FlexWash completed ergonomic design that makes users use comfortably in most of positions, by considering most convenient viewing angle and motion range.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist, awake12@nspna.com
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