(Seoul=NSP News Agency) dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist = SK Innovation has signed an agreement with Dow Chemical to acquire Ethylene Acrylic Acid (EAA) business through SK Chemical, a chemical subsidiary.
Ethylene acrylic acid is one of high-priced chemical adhesive resin (Adhesive Copolymer) which is mainly used as an adhesive for packaging materials such as aluminum foil or polyethylene.
This product is also known as Dow Chemical's PRIMACORTM brand.
As a result of this acquisition contract, SK Innovation secured two global production facilities and manufacturing technology, intellectual property and trademark rights of Dow Chemical including production facilities Freeport in Texas and Tarragona in Spain.
With this acquisition, SK Innovation will be able to expand its portfolio in high value-added packaging business through synergy with existing products.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist, dilfuza@nspna.com
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