(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Samsung Electronics held board of directors on 29th, unveiled the plan to improve stockholder value, including stockholder return policy.

The recipe for improving stockholder value, announced in this time, hardened stockholder return policy announced on Oct. 2015, is consist of stockholder return, cash-holding level, forming of board of directors and corporation structure.

Samsung Electronics is going to use 50% of free cash flow of 2016 and 2017 to stockholder return.

Samsung Electronics plans to expand total amount of dividends 30% from 3.1 trillion won last year to 4 trillion. It is expected that the dividends per share of 2016 will be increased 36% from 21,000 won last year to 28,500 won, because of 11.4 trillion scale special buying back and retirement program.

Samsung Electronics is also considering way of optimization of stock value, like possibility of changing into a holding company and expectancy effect of being listed on foreign stock market.

Samsung Electronics is to review its optimum corporation structure including holing companies in a neutral position. The specific plans will be firmed up later.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist, awake12@nspna.com
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