(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Daewoo Engineering & Construction (E&C) has ranked the first in supplying for seven straight years since 2010, supplying 31 thousand houses this year.

Daewoo E&C has supplied more than 10 thousand housings every year since 2000 except the period of the global financial crisis for three years from 2008 to 2010.

During this period including this year Daewoo E&C has supplied 313 thousand housing products, ranking the first in this industry.

It plans new business like 'new stay' that being incorporated into their lotting--out knowhow.

Based on its knowhow of constructing domestic new towns, it is constructing new towns in abroad initiatively. In Algeria, it is constructing the Boughzoul new town in the middle of Algiers, the capital of Algeria and the Sahara. Now the city infrastructure is on stage of completion, the first construction, the Boughzoul new government office is being built.

'Vietnam star lake city' in Hanoi of Vietnam, which is 2/3 scale of Yeouido,built by Daewoo E&C mostly completed its contracts within last moth,the first looting-out month. It also made a MOU with the Ministry of housing Saudi Arabia, to construct new town of 100 thousand housing scale.

Total business cost will reach 21 trillion won, seemingly being the greatest amount of overseas construction.

The officer of Daewoo E&C revealed"we will be one of the global top 15 constructions by expanding plan and suggestion business, consistently developing new town export."

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist, awake12@nspna.com
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