(Seoul=NSP News Agency) jonghyuk Kim Journalist = Gyuwon Lee, CTO of TID pointed 'technical skill' out as a forte of the 'Envicase'. He emphasized that the core factor is technical environment in order to reach vision of the 'Envicase'.

“I think it is impossible to reach a goal to be a new conceptual magazine, without technical base”, said Gyuwon Lee, CTO of TID in the interview with NSP news agent. He added “It is important that not only to scout major talents, but also to make culture and environment to make them take a leading role.”

The 'Envicase' is a personal shopping information sharing media that domestic start-up TID (representative Munyeong Chang) developed.

Trend setters and ordinary people may share their collections and shopping items with their personalized shopping information through this social media and shopping community.

They saw a niche that a market of traditional magazine hasn't been digitization yet. At the beginning they paid careful attention the quality of contents, not the marketing.

Especially, the technical environment of the 'Envicase' is big different from other start-ups. That is they accepted cloud service. Even though there is a trend of other domestic start-ups using cloud environment already, TID furthermore, is using platform or service-oriented cloud service.

“We are going to make new magazine media in the digital market. It is most important that active investment in technical environment and programmer leading culture that realizes their best potential”, he said.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jonghyuk Kim Journalist, awake12@nspna.com
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