(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Hanah Choi Journalist = The Bank of Korea spoke through 'the forex market trends in 2015' on 14th, ‘won-dollar exchange rate was 1172.5 won at the end of last year which increased 73.2 won (6.2% depreciation) year on year.

Annual average exchange rate was 1131.5 won which increased 78.4 won(6.9% depreciation). Won-Dollar exchange rate change during a day and net change each were 6.6 won and 5.3 won that was greatly widened compared to 4.9 won and 3.5 won of last year.

Won/yen exchange rate (per 100 yen) was 974.1 won which increased 6.1 won (6.3% depreciation) compared to that of the end of last year. Annual average exchange rate was 934.8 won which decreased 61.8 won (6.6% aprreciation) year on year.

Won·yuan Exchange rate was 177.85 won which increased 1.48 won(0.8% depreciation). Annual average exchange rate was 179.5 won that increases 8.6 won(4.8% depreciation).

Daily average foreign exchange transaction volume of interbank market was 23 billion 580 million dollars that increased 12% year on year(210 billion 30 million dollar in former year). Forward exchange transaction volume of domestic companies was 135 billion 100 million dollars that dramatically decreased year on year(194.4 billion dollars in former year).

NDF(Non-Deliverable Forward) net purchases Volume of nonresidents(reference to trading with domestic foreign exchange bank) was 30 billion 810 million dollars which increased year on year(22 billion 180million dollars).

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Hanah Choi Journalist, hana1914@nspna.com
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