(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Jiye Kim Journalist = BMW Korea made an apology to its customers for causing great concern, after four BMW vehicles caught in fire over the past few weeks.

“We are currently examining the offending vehicle which caught on fire in Jayu-ro, in cooperation with BMW headquarters and a reputable investigation agency,” BMW spokesman said, “We are now examining thoroughly in order to discover the cause of the accident. We will take an assertive action to figure out the problem and ease customer concerns. The result will be disclosed to the public.”

According to the investigation result, BMW Korea will set the compensation plans for the drivers who have had their car repaired at its official body shop.

“The vehicles except Jayu-ro case, had a history of maintenance at private repair shops,” The spokesman announced, “We cannot assure what was done for these vehicles. Nevertheless, we will not exclude those cases from the investigation, with our best efforts to alleviate anxiety of our customers.”

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Jiye Kim Journalist, graekim@nspna.com
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