(Seoul=NSP News Agency) Jiye Kim Journalist = LCT Haeundae, a high-rise apartment-cum-resort complex facing Haeundae beach in Busan, announced its plan of opening a show house on Oct. 8th on its construction site to begin parceling out its apartments.

A concerned person from LCT told, “Though there are still some administrative procedures to go through, we will get the process done as early as possible to avert any delay on its opening.”

Haeundae LCT the Sharp consists of six penthouses (244㎡), two apartment buildings reaching 85 story, and additional facilities. With each household occupies exclusive residential area covering 144㎡, 161㎡, 186㎡, a building holds 292 households, and the total complex allows 882 households to reside.

A parcel prize differs vary by its floors and directions. Estimated price per 3.3㎡ is 27,000,000 (approximately 22,850$), which is similar to that of a beach-facing apartment unit of Marine City in Haeundae.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV Jiye Kim Journalist, graekim@nspna.com
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