[부산=NSP통신] 김연화 기자 = We are over the Nam-Gu in Busan held on The 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace.
Thousands of people are standing on PEACE in a row as if the God coordinates them.
This scene shows the site of The 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace that NSP news agency has shot exclusively over the sky.
UN Peace Concert is being held in The Busan Cultural Center.
Today, all of us have signified peace with singers’ songs and performances including messages of peace.
The 2,300 participants in following the event of UN Peace Mob have lit up candles.
The light processions for completing “PEACE” are spectacular.
The 2,300 soldiers in United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea look like peaceful especially as if they try to understand participants in this ceremony.
Does children’s music sound peaceful?
Starting from UN Peace Concert in which people sing freedom and perform peace, the 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace has opened with a flourish.
Singers’ songs and performances with messages of peace make the thousands of people united totally.
Resulting in the opening ceremony of The 2nd Great Celebration of UN Peace on 25th of this month, UN peace Concert has been held in the square of The Busan Cultural Center.
UN Peace Concert was started with delivering congratulations from the mayor of Busan, Nam-sik Heo and the congressman, Jung-hun Kim.
It was followed by celebrations of the foreign delegates, the US Health Minister Catherine, the speaker of Australian House and Belgian Defence Minister.
After shows of stars Insuni, Young-ae Han, Chi-hwan Ahn, the performance with cellist Myung-hwa Jung and Incorean Orchestra leaded to the one of the best fantastic harmony.
The Municipal boys & girls choirs in Busan and Nam-gu sang together which attracted all of us to the country of peace.
In a few minute, United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea.
‘UN Peace Mob’ which is remembrance performance of UN soldiers proceeded by 2,300 of Peace citizens.
Lighting up the candles citizens paid their respect to UN soldiers who had been killed in the war while protecting our freedom and peace.
Then, what is the peace they have thought?
Like this, each person has thought the meaning of peace in different ways.
If they have something in common, Would that be ‘Love’?
I hope that the sincere meaning of peace exists completely in parts of their heart through Peace Concert and the Great remembrance performance(UN Peace Mob).
김연화 NSP통신 기자, yeonhwa0802@nspna.com
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