(서울=NSP통신) jeonghyun go Journal = Dragonfly will execute marketing activites to gain profits from Tobot VR at the ASEAN-KOREA Digital Content Conference in 2018.

Dragonfly plans to achieve its visible export performance by having more collaborative meetings with related industries and demonstrating Tobot VR at the ASEAN-KOREA Digital Content Conference.

In addition, Dragonfly also plans to make an entry into ASEAN countries which have a sufficient possibility.

In particular, VR game contents including Tobot VR which all family members can join are getting attention as the best model for shopping malls and theme parks in ASEAN region.

Park In chan, Head director of ARVR, emphasized that"We are going to attract lots of ASEAN buyers with Tobot's strengths such as its immersive game experience and charming fun.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV jeonghyun go Journalist, gojh89@nspna.com
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