(Seoul=NSP News Agency) dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist = Dunamu, the operator of the Upbit cryptocurrency exchange, announced on June 11th that quickly recognized voice phishing scams in its fraud detection system and successfully prevented investor demage.
First, Upbit sent reminder and a text message about termination of withdrawal to the user immediately after detecting voice phishing. And the next day on June 12 morning, company started investigate the client who visited the customer center for a request to unlock withdrawal.
Upbit has asked the IBK bank to confirm the enrollment of a fraudulent account to determine whether he is involved in fraud. In the process, discovered that he was registered as a voice phishing criminal and company reported to the police to arrest him as a criminal.
"Upbit has the best fraud detection system and professional workforce in the accident prevention industry,"said Lee Seok-woo, president of Dunamu."As market leader, we will continue our efforts to clean up the market order."

NSP News Agency/NSP TV dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist, dilfuza@nspna.com
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