(Seoul=NSP News Agency) dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist = Hyundai IBT announced on December 21 that it plans to transfer to the Tokyo Stock Exchange as soon as possible after the Japanese joint venture Vita Bride has increased sales of Japan to meet the requirements for listing on the Japanese stock market.
Hyundai IBT said that the joint venture Vita Bride Japan, Japan Vektor offers a list and agreed to transfer Vita Bride Japan on the Tokyo Stock Exchange by 2019 before the Olympic Games in Japan.
Vita Bride Japan will benefit from both sales profit and operating profit, which are requirements for listing on the Japanese stock market as soon as the year ends, and sales and operating profit are growing rapidly every year.
Hyundai IBT and Vita Bride Japan decided to hold a regular meeting between the leaders of the two companies on the choice of the leading company and the schedule of the listing.

NSP News Agency/NSP TV dILFUZA Sultanova Journalist, dilfuza@nspna.com
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