(Seoul=NSP News Agency) YEON SUN HAN Journalist = SK Telecom and Nokia have agreed to cooperate on 5G pilot service and technologies for commercializing 5G services.
In addition, the two companies have also agreed to speed up cooperating in the development of quantum cryptography communication technologies.
They have concluded an agreement to cooperate on developing quantum cryptography communication business contract and ‘quantum transmission system’ joint development and commercialization at MWC 2017, last February on Barcelona, in Spain.
“SK Telecom will continue to take the global leadership of 5G by improving and standardizing 5G technologies” and “will accelerate building 5G echo systems through cooperation of global partners such as Nokia.”, said Jong-Ryul Kang, head of the Infrastructure Division of SK Telecom.
NSP News Agency/NSP TV YEON SUN HAN Journalist, hanys4017@nspna.com
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