Virtual studio, a new way to produce various video clibs going between virtual and real space.
Being used in various fields for current standard broadcasters to homeshopping channels.

(부산=NSP통신 허아영 기자) = (NSP글로벌리틀뉴스 소동관 기자) = The virtual studio that has not been brought into the spotlight much is now one of the most important tools in broadcasting, video making, and movie making.

The virtual studio is now used in almost every single TV broadcast such as home-shopping in Korea to video filming in YouTube.

Today we will look into how far virtual studio has improved.

A virtual studio is a television studio that allows the real-time combination of people or other real objects and computer generated environments and objects in a seamless manner.

We can notice this studio from YouTube videos to news casting at 8o’clock.

This is the backbone of what we watch electronically today.

It all starts from the computer program that allows this virtual studio to seem like reality.

The VST is what allows this magical studio to work. They usually use plugins called DAW(Digital audio workstation) to allow to provide additional functionality.

Most VST plugins are either instruments (VSTi) or effects, although other categories exist. They allow us to do less work by predicting and calculating the next step.

They basically emulate what is going to happen next. Audio is controlled through midi regulations and controls.

The problem is, however, these equipment are not free. A room full of these equipment can be equivalent to about 2 apartments combined in price.

Therefore only a few studios can get a hold of this type of advanced equipment. The difference between blue
screen effects is that the virtual studio uses computer graphics that are rendered in real time.

Today after looking at the 2nd dimension and 3rd dimension studios, we have seen the range of use for the virtual studious.

Because virtual studios are expensive to maintain, a worldwide usage may be difficult at this time.

However, by looking at the improvements in development, the virtual studio seems to be close in being used at almost every single recording studio.

Nsp Global little news Derek So

[영상편집] 오혜원 PD
[촬 영] 최상훈 PD, 허아영 기자(NSP통신)
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